汪涛 研究员

l 10/2008 – 12/2011, 法国气候与环境实验室,获得理学博士学位
l 09/2005 – 07/2008, 北京大学生态学系,获理学硕士学位
l 09/2001 – 07/2005, 西南农业大学资源环境学院,获农学学士学位

l 10/2015 – 至今, 中国科学院青藏高原研究所研究员
l 03/2014 – 09/2015, 法国冰川与环境地球物理实验室博士后
l 01/2012 – 02/2014, 法国气候与环境实验室博士后

l 高寒陆地生态系统对全球变化的响应及其反馈

[1] Ding JZ*, Yang T, Zhao YT, Liu D, Wang XY, Yao YT, Peng SS, Wang T*, Piao SL. Increasingly important role of atmospheric aridity on Tibetan alpine grasslands. Geophysical Research Letters, 2018, DOI: 10.1002/2017GL076803.
[2] Wang XY, Wang T*, Guo H, Liu D, Zhao YT, Zhang TT, Piao SL. Disentangling the mechanisms behind winter snow impact on vegetation activity in northern ecosystems. Global Change Biology, 2018, 24(4): 1651-1662.
[3] Liu D, Li Y, Wang T*, Philippe P, MacBean N, Ciais P, Piao SL. Contrasting responses of grassland water and carbon exchanges to climate change between Tibetan Plateau and Inner Mongolia. Agricultural Forest and Meteorology, 2018, 249, 163-175.
[4] Guo H, Wang T*, Wang XY, Liu D, Ding JZ, Li Y, Piao SL. Spring snow-albedo feedback analysis over the Third Pole: results from satellite observation and CMIP5 model simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 2018, 123(2): 750-763.
[5] Yao YT, Li ZJ, Wang T*, Chen AP, Wang XH, Du MY, Jia GS, Li YN, Li HQ, Luo WJ, Ma YM, Tang YH, Wang HM, Wu ZX, Yan JH, Zhang XZ, Zhang YP, Zhang Y, Zhou GS, Piao SL. A new estimation of China’s net ecosystem productivity based on eddy covariance measurements and a model tree ensemble approach. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2018, 253: 84-93.
[6] Zeng ZZ, Piao SL, Li LZX, Wang T, Ciais P, Lian X, Yang YT, Mao JF, Shi XY, Myneni RB. Impact of Earth greening on the terrestrial water cycle. Journal of Climate, 2018, DOI: 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0236.1.
[7] Piao SL, Liu Z, Wang YL, Ciais P, Yao YT, Peng SS, Chevallier F, Friedlingstein P, Janssens IA, Pe?uelas J, Sitch S, Wang T. On the causes of trends in the seasonal amplitude of atmospheric CO2. Global Change Biology, 2018, 24(2): 608-616.
[1] Wang XY, Wang T*, Liu D, Guo H, Huang H, Zhao YT. Moisture‐induced greening of the South Asia over the past three decades. Global Change Biology, 2017, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13762.
[2] Li J, Liu D, Wang T*, Li Y*, Wang S, Yang Y, Wang XY, Guo H, Peng SS, Ding JZ, Shen Mg, Wang L. Grassland restoration reduces water yield in the headstream region of Yangtze River. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 2162.
[3] Huang MT, Piao SL, Janssens IA, Zhu ZC, Wang T, Wu DH, Ciais P, Myneni RB, Peaucelle M, Peng SH, Yang H, Pe?uelas J. Velocity of change in vegetation productivity over northern high latitudes. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2017, 1:1649–1654.
[4] Piao SL, Liu Z, Wang T, Peng SS, Ciais P, Huang M, Ahlstrom A, Burkhart J F, Chevallier F, Janssens I A, Jeong S-J, Lin X, Mao J, Miller J, Mohammat A, Myneni R B, Penuelas J, Shi X, Stohl A, Yao Y, Zhu Z, Tans PP. Weakening temperature control on the interannual variations of spring carbon uptake across northern lands. Nature Climate Change, 2017, 7(5): 359.
[5] Li Y, Yang H, Wang T, Macbean N, Bacour C, Ciais P, Zhang Y, Zhou G, Piao SL. Reducing the uncertainty of parameters controlling seasonal carbon and water fluxes in Chinese forests and its implication for simulated climate sensitivities. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2017, 8(31), 1344-1366.
[6] Yao Y, Wang X, Li Y, Wang T, Shen MG, Du M, He H, Li Y, Luo W, Ma M, Ma Y, Tang Y, Wang H, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Zhao L, Zhou G, Piao SL. Spatiotemporal pattern of gross primary productivity and its covariation with climate in China over the last thirty years. Global Change Biology, 2017, DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13830.
[7] Zeng ZZ, Piao SL, Li LZX, Zhou L, Ciais P, Wang T, Li Y, Lian X, Wood E F, Friedlingstein P, Mao J, Estes L D, Myneni R B, Peng S, Shi X, Seneviratne S I, Wang Y. Climate mitigation from vegetation biophysical feedbacks during the past three decades. Nature Climate Change, 2017, 7: 432.
[8] Peng SS, Ciais P, Maignan F, Li W, Chang J, Wang T, Yue C. Sensitivity of land use change emission estimates to historical land use and land cover mapping. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2017, 31: 626-643.
[9] Cong N, Shen MG, Piao SL, Chen X, An S, Yang W, Fu Y H, Meng F, Wang T. Little change in heat requirement for vegetation green-up on the Tibetan Plateau over the warming period of 1998-2012. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017, 232: 650-658.
[10] Zhao C, Liu B, Piao SL, Wang X, Lobell D B, Huang Y, Huang M, Yao Y, Bassu S, Ciais P, Wang T. Temperature increase reduces global yields of major crops in four independent estimates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017, 201701762.
[11] Dantec-Nédélec S, Ottlé C, Wang T, Guglielmo F, Maignan F, Delbart N, Valdayskikh V, Radchenko T, Nekrasova O, Zakharov V and Jouzel J. Testing the capability of ORCHIDEE land surface model to simulate Arctic ecosystems: Sensitivity analysis and site-level model calibration. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2017, 9(2), 1212-1230.
[1] Wang T*, Lin X, Dantec S, and Ottlé C. Causes of uncertainty in China’s net primary production over the 21st century projected by the CMIP5 Earth system models. International Journal of Climatology, 2016, 36(5): 2323 - 2334.
[2] Li Y, Wang T*, Zeng ZZ, Peng SS, Lian X, and Piao SL*. Evaluating biases in simulated land surface albedo from CMIP5 global climate models. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2016, 121(11): 6178 – 6190.
[3] Liu YW, Wang T, Huang MT, Yao YT, Ciais P, and Piao SL. Changes in interannual climate sensitivities of terrestrial carbon fluxes during the 21st century predicted by CMIP5 Earth system models. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences, 2016, DOI: 10.1002/2015JG003124.
[4] Zhao C, Piao SL, Wang XH, Huang Y, Ciais P, Joshua Elliott J, Huang M, Janssens I, Li T, Lian X, Liu Y, Müller C, Peng SS, Wang T, Zeng ZZ and Pe?uelas J. Plausible rice yield losses under future climate warming. Nature Plants, 2016, 3: 16202.
[5] Li BG, Gasser T, Ciais P, Piao SL, Tao S, Balkanski Y, Hauglustaine D, Boisier JP, Chen Z, Huang MT, Li ZX, Li Y, Liu HY, Liu JF, Peng SS, Shen ZH, Sun ZZ, Wang R, Wang T, Yin GD, Yin Y, Zeng H, Zeng ZZ, and Zhou F, The contribution of China’s emissions to global climate forcing. Nature, 2016, 531: 357–361.
[6] Peng SS, Ciais P, Krinner G, Wang T, Gouttevin I, McGuire AD, Lawrence D, Burke E, Chen X, Decharme B, Koven C, MacDougall A, Rinke A, Saito K, Zhang W, Alkama R, Bohn TJ, Delire C, Hajima T, Ji D, Lettenmaier DP, Miller PA, Moore JC, Smith B, and Sueyoshi T. Simulated high-latitude soil thermal dynamics during the past 4 decades. The Cryosphere, 2016, 10: 179-192.
[7] Yue C, Ciais P, Zhu D, Wang T, Peng SS, and Piao SL. How have past fire disturbances contributed to the current carbon balance of boreal ecosystems? Biogeosciences, 2016, 13: 675-690.
[8] Chang J, Ciais P, Herrero M, Havlik P, Campioli M, Zhang X, Bai Y, Viovy N, Joiner J, Wang XH, Peng SS, Yue C, Piao SL, Wang T, Hauglustaine D and Soussana J. Combining livestock production information in a process based vegetation model to reconstruct the history of grassland management. Biogeosciences, 2016, 13 (12): 1-51.
[9] Yue Y, Ni J, Ciais P, Piao SL, Wang T, Huang M, Borthwick AGL, Li T, Wang Y, Chappell A and Oost KV. Lateral transport of soil carbon and land-atmosphere CO2 flux induced by water erosion in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016, 113 (24): 6617.
Before 2015
[1] Wang T*, Peng SS, Ottlé C, and Ciais P. Spring snow cover deficit controlled by intraseasonal variability of the surface energy fluxes. Environmental Research Letters, 2015, 10(2): 024018.
[2] Wang T*, Peng SS, Krinner G, Ryder J, Li Y, Dantec-Nedelec S, Ottlé C. Impacts of Satellite-Based Snow Albedo Assimilation on Offline and Coupled Land Surface Model Simulations. PLOS ONE, 2015, 10(9): e0137275.
[3] Shen MG, Piao SL, Dorji T, Liu Q, Cong N, Chen XQ, An S, Wang SP, Wang T, Zhang GX. Plant phenological responses to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau: research status and challenges. National Science Review, 2015, 2(4): 454 - 467.
[4] Peng SS, Ciais P, Chevallier F, Peylin P, Cadule P, Sitch S, Piao SL, Ahlstr?m A, Huntingford C, Levy P, Li XR, Liu YW, Lomas M, Poulter B, Viovy N, Wang T, Wang XH, Zaehle S, Zeng N, Zhao F and Zhao H. Benchmarking the seasonal cycle of CO2 fluxes simulated by terrestrial ecosystem models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2015, 29(1): 46 - 64.
[5] Yin G, Zhang Y, Sun Y, Wang T, Zeng Z, Piao S*. MODIS Based Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass in China. PLoS ONE, 2015, 10(6): e0130143.
[6] Wang T*, Ottlé C, Peng SS, Janssens IA, Xin L, Poulter B, and Yue C. The influence of local spring temperature variance on temperature sensitivity of spring phenology. Global Change Biology, 2014, 20(5): 1473-1480.
[7] Wang T*, Lin X, Peng SS, Cong N, and Piao SL. Multimodel projections and uncertainties of net ecosystem production in China over the twenty-first century. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014, 59: 4681-4691.
[8] Piao SL, Nan HJ, Huntingford C, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Sitch S, Peng SS, Ahlstr?m A, Canadell J, Cong N, Levis S, Levy P, Liu LL, Lomas M, Mao JF, Myneni R, Peylin P, Poulter B, Shi XY, Yin GD, Viovy N, Wang T, Wang XH, Zaehle S, Zeng N, Zeng ZZ and Chen AP. Evidence for a weakening relationship between interannual temperature variability and northern vegetation activity. Nature Communications, 2014, 5: 5018.
[9] Davin E, Seneviratne S, Ciais P, Olioso A, and Wang T. Preferential cooling of hot extremes from cropland albedo management. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111(27): 9757-9761.
[10] Zeng ZZ, Wang T, Zhou F, Ciais P, Mao JF, Shi XY, and Piao SL. A worldwide analysis of spatiotemporal changes in water balance based evapotranspiration from 1982 to 2009. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 2014, 119(3): 1186-1202.
[11] Wang XH, Piao SL, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Myneni RB, Cox P, Heimann M, Miller J, Peng SS, Wang T, Yang H, and Chen AP. A two-fold increase of carbon cycle sensitivity to tropical temperature variations. Nature, 2014, 506(7487): 212-215.
[12] Ma YC, Piao SL, Sun Z, Lin X, and Wang T. Stand ages regulate the response of soil respiration to temperature in a Larix principis-rupprechtii plantation. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2014, 184: 179-187.
[13] Wang T*, Peng SS, Lin X, and Chang JF. Declining snow cover may affect spring phonological trend on the Tibetan Plateau. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2013, 110(31): E2854-E2855.
[14] Wang T*, Ottlé C, Boone A, Ciais P, Brun E, Morin S, Krinner G, Piao SL, and Peng SS. Evaluation of an improved intermediate complexity snow scheme in the ORCHIDEE land surface model. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 2013, 118(12): 6064-6079.
[15] Chang JF, Viovy N, Vuichard N, Ciais P, Wang T, Cozic A, Lardy R, Graux AI, Klumpp K, Martin R, and Soussana JF. Incorporating grassland management in a global vegetation model: model description and evaluation at 11 eddy-covariance sites in Europe. Geoscientific Model Development, 2013, 6(6): 2165-2181.
[16] Yue C, Ciais P, Luyssaert S, Cadule P, Harden J, Randerson J, Bellassen V, Wang T, Piao SL, Poulter B, and Viovy N. Simulating boreal forest carbon dynamics after stand-replacing fire disturbance: insights from a global process-based vegetation model. Biogeosciences, 2013, 10(12): 8233-8252.
[17] Ottlé C, Lescure J, Maignan F, Poulter B, Wang T, and Delbart N. Use of various remote sensing land cover products for PFT mapping over Siberia. Earth System Science Data, 2013, 5(2): 331-348.
[18] Poulter B, Pederson N, Liu H, Zhu Z, D’Arrigo R, Ciais P, Davi N, Frank D, Leland C, Myneni R, Piao SL, and Wang T. Recent trends in Inner Asian forest dynamics to temperature and precipitation indicate high sensitivity to climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2013, 178: 31-45.
[19] Piao SL, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Peylin P, Wang XH, Ahlstr?m A, Anav A, Canadell JG, Cong N, Huntingford C, Jung M, Levis S, Levy PE, Li J, Lin X, Lomas MR, Lu M, Luo Y, Ma YC, Myneni RB, Poulter B, Sun ZZ, Wang T, Viovy N, Zaehle S, and Zeng N. Evaluation of terrestrial carbon cycle models for their response to climate variability and to CO2 trends. Global Change Biology, 2013, 19: 2117-2132.
[20] Peng SS, Piao SL, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, Zhou L, and Wang T. Change in snow phenology and its potential feedback to temperature in the Northern Hemisphere over the last three decades. Environmental Research Letters, 2013, 8: 014008.
[21] Cong N, Wang T, Nan H, Ma YC, Wang XH, Myneni RB, and Piao SL*. Changes in satellite-derived spring vegetation green-up date and its linkage to climate in China from 1982 to 2010: a multimethod analysis. Global Change Biology, 2013, 19: 881-891.
[22] Patra PK, Canadell JG, Houghton RA, Piao SL, Oh NH, Ciais P, Manjunath KR, Chhabra A, Wang T, Bhattacharya T, Bousquet P, Hartman J, Ito A, Mayorga E, Niwa Y, Raymond PA, Sarma VVSS, and Lasco R. The carbon budget of South Asia. Biogeosciences, 2013, 10: 513-527.
[23] Wang T*, Brender P, Ciais P, Piao SL, Mahecha MD, Chevallier F, Reichstein M, Ottlé C, Maignan F, Arain A, Bohrer G, Cescatti A, Kiely G, Law BE, Lutz M, Montagnani L, Moors E, Osborne B, Panferov O, Papale D, and Vaccari FP. State-dependent errors in a land surface model across biomes inferred from eddy covariance observations on multiple timescales. Ecological Modelling, 2012, 246: 11-25.
[24] Piao SL, Tan K, Nan HJ, Ciais P, Fang JY, Wang T, Vuichard N, and Zhu B. Impacts of climate and CO2 changes on the vegetation growth and carbon balance of Qinghai-Tibetan grasslands over the past five decades. Global and Planetary Change, 2012, 98: 73-80.
[25] Chevallier F, Wang T, Ciais P, Maignan F, Bocquet M, Arain A, Cescatti A, Chen J, Doman AJ, Law BE, Margolis H, Montagnani L, and Moors E. What eddy-covariance measurements tell us about prior land flux errors in CO2-flux inversion schemes. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2012, 26, doi:10.1029/2010GB003974.
[26] Wang T*, Ciais P, Piao SL, Ottlé C, Brender P, Maignan F, Arain A, Cescatti A, Gianelle D, Gough C, Gu L, Lafleur P, Laurila T, Marcolla B, Margolis H, Montagnani L, Moors E, Saigusa N, Vesala T, Wohlfahrt G, Koven C, Black A, Dellwik E, Don A, Hollinger D, Knohl A, Monson R, Munger J, Suyker A, Varlagin A, and Verma S. Controls on winter ecosystem respiration in temperate and boreal ecosystems. Biogeosciences, 2011, 8: 2009-2025.
[27] Piao SL, Wang XH, Ciais P, Zhu B, Wang T, and Liu J. Changes in satellite-derived vegetation growth trend in temperate and boreal Eurasia from 1982 to 2006. Global Change Biology, 2011, 17: 3228-3239.
[28] Li L, Vuichard N, Viovy N, Ciais P, Wang T, Ceschia E, Jans W, Wattenbach M, Béziat P, Gruenwald T, Lehuger S, and Bernhofer C. Importance of crop varieties and management practices: evaluation of a process-based model for simulating CO2 and H2O fluxes at five European maize (Zea mays L.) sites. Biogeosciences, 2011, 8: 1721-1736.
[29] Wang XH, Piao SL*, Ciais P, Janssens IA, Reichstein M, Peng SS, and Wang T. Are ecological gradients in seasonal Q10 of soil respiration explained by climate or by vegetation seasonality? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2010, 42: 1728-1734.
[30] Wang W, Peng SS, Wang T, and Fang JY. Winter soil CO2 efflux and its contribution to annual soil respiration in different ecosystems of a forest-steppe ecotone, north China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2010, 42: 451-458.
[31] Piao SL, Ciais P, Friedlingstein P, de Noblet-Ducoudre N, Cadule P, Viovy N, and Wang T. Spatiotemporal patterns of terrestrial carbon cycle during the 20th century. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2009, 23, doi:10.1029/2008GB003339.
[32] Peng SS, Piao SL, Wang T, Sun J, and Shen Z. Temperature sensitivity of soil respiration in different ecosystems in China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2009, 41: 1008-1014.
[33] Piao SL, Fang JY, Ciais P, Peylin P, Huang Y, Sitch S, and Wang T. The carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Nature, 2009, 458: 1009-1013.