王小萍 研究员

l 1994/09-1998/06,山西大学,分析化学,学士
l 1998/09-2001/06,山西大学,分析化学,硕士
l 2001/09-2004/06,中国科学院生态环境研究中心,环境科学,博士
l 2004 山西省科学技术自然科学二等奖
l 2004 山西省高等学校科学技术进步奖
l 2008 首届中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖
l 2011 首届中国科学院青年创新促进会会员
l 2012 首届国家自然科学基金委优秀青年基金
l 2014 中国科学院京区巾帼建功先进个人
l 2015 中国科学院青年创新促进会“优秀会员”
l 2016 中国科学院大学优秀研究生指导教师奖
l 2018 中国青藏高原青年科技奖
l 2019 国家杰出青年基金

l 2004/07-2013/4,中国科学院青藏高原研究所,副研究员
l 2008/08-2009/02, 英国Lancaster大学高级访问学者
l 2012/03-2012/06, 英国Lancaster大学高级访问学者
l 2012/09-2012/12, 德国亥姆霍兹海岸带研究所高级访问学者
l 2015/08-2016/08, 美国罗德岛大学高级访问学者
l 2013/4-至今 中国科学院青藏高原研究所,研究员

l 青藏高原大气环境
l 青藏高原环境污染与变化
l 环境污染检测装置在极端环境中的应用

l 国家国家杰出青年基金:持久性有机污染物区域循环(项目负责人)
l 青藏高原第二次科学考察,任务六专题五:跨境污染物调查与环境安全 (专题负责人)
l 中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项:“泛第三极环境变化与绿色丝绸之路建设”-污染物跨境传输过程与环境影响对策 (子课题负责人)
l 中国科学院青年创新促进会,优秀会员项目(项目负责人)
l 国家自然科学基金,优青项目,青藏高原纳木错湖持久性有机污染物的区域环境过程研究(项目负责人)
l 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,藏东南森林对有机氯污染物气-地界面迁移的作用及其屏障效应(项目负责人)
l 中国科学院知识创新重点项目,青藏高原极高海拔地区的气候环境效应”,子课题负责人
l 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,基于被动采样的青藏高原大气中有机卤污染物的时空分布和来源解析(项目负责人)
l 国家自然科学基金,青年基金,青藏高原冰雪-大气-水体中持久性有机污染物研究(项目负责人)
l 中国科学院知识创新重点项目,青藏高原全新世以来的环境变化与生态系统关系研究(项目参加人)
l 国家自然科学基金,面上项目,“青藏高原大气和湿沉降中全氟化合物的时空特征及其演化机制”(项目负责人)

[1] Shichang Kang, Yulan Zhang, Qianggong Zhang, Xiaoping Wang, Zhiwen Dong, Chaoliu Li, Chuanfei Wang, Pengfei Chen, Bakhat Rawat. Chemical components and distributions in glaciers of the Third Pole. Water Quality in the Third Pole. 2020. available on line. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-816489-1.00003-7
[2] Ping Gong, Xiaoping Wang*, Balram Pokhrel, Hailong Wang, Xiande Liu,
Xiaobo Liu, and Frank Wania. Trans-Himalayan Transport of Organochlorine Compounds: Three-Year Observations and Model-Based Flux Estimation. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019, 53, 6773-6783. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.est.9b01223
[3] Hemraj Bhattarai, Eri Saikawa, Xin Wan, Hongxia Zhu, Kirpa Ram, Shaopeng Gao, Shichang Kang, Qianggong Zhang, Yulan Zhang, Guangming Wu, Xiaoping Wang, Kimitaka Kawamura, Pingqing Fu, Zhiyuan Cong. Levoglucosan as a tracer of biomass burning: Recent progress and perspectives. Atmospheric Research. 2019, 220: 20–33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2019.01.004
[4] Xiaoping Wang*, Mengke Chen, Ping Gong, Chuanfei Wang. Perfluorinated alkyl substances in snow as an atmospheric tracer for tracking the interactions between westerly winds and the Indian Monsoon over western China. Environment International. 2019, 124: 294–301.
[5] Xiaoping Wang*, Chuanfei Wang, Tingting Zhu, Ping Gong, Jianjie Fu, Zhiyuan Cong. Persistent organic pollutants in the polar regions and the Tibetan Plateau: A review of current knowledge and future prospects. Environmental Pollution. 2019, 248:191-208.
[6] Jiao Ren, Xiaoping Wang*, Ping Gong, Chuanfei Wang. Characterization of Tibetan Soil as a Source or Sink of Atmospheric Persistent Organic Pollutants: Seasonal Shift and Impact of Global Warming. Environmental Science & Technology. 2019, 53, 3589-3598.
[7] Mengke Chen, Chuanfei Wang, Xiaoping Wang*, Jianjie Fu, Ping Gong, Juping Yan, Zhengliang Yu, Fangping Yan, Javed Nawab. Release of Perfluoroalkyl Substances From Melting Glacier of the Tibetan Plateau: Insights Into the Impact of Global Warming on the Cycling of Emerging Pollutants. JGR Atmospheres. 2019, 124: 7442-7456.
[8] Javed Nawab, Nayab Khan, Riaz Ahmed, Sardar Khan, unaid Ghani, Ziaur Rahman, Fawad Khan, Xiaoping Wang, Juma Muhammad, Hassan Sher. Influence of different organic geo-sorbents on Spinacia oleracea grown in chromite mine-degraded soil: a greenhouse study. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2019, 19: 2417–2432.
[9] 康世昌, 丛志远, 王小萍, 张强弓, 吉振明, 张玉兰, 徐柏青. 大气污染物跨境传输及其对青藏高原环境影响[J]. 科学通报, 2019, 64: 2876-2884.
Kang S C, Cong Z Y, Wang X P, et al. The transboundary transport of air pollutants and their environmental impacts on Tibetan Plateau (in Chinese). Chin Sci Bull, 2019, 64: 2876–2884.
[10] Wang,X.P.*, Jasmin Schuster, Kevin C. Jones, Ping Gong. Occurrence and spatial distribution of neutral perfluoroalkyl substances and cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in the atmosphere of the Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018. 18(12): 8745-8755.
[11] Balram Pokhrel, Ping Gong, Wang,X.P.*, Sanjay Nath Khanal, Jiao Ren, Chuanfei Wang, Shaopeng Gao, Tandong Yao. Atmospheric organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in urban areas of Nepal: spatial variation, sources, temporal trends, and long-range transport potential. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2018. 18(2): 1325-1336.
[12] Ping Gong , Wang,X.P.*, Jiujiang Sheng, Hailong Wang, Xiaohua Yuan, He Yuanqing, Yun Qian, Tandong Yao. Seasonal variations and sources of atmospheric polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and organochlorine compounds in a high-altitude city: Evidence from four-year observations. Environmental Pollution, 2018. 233: 1188-1197.
[13] Zhiyong Huang, Chenchou Wu , Lianjun Bao, Wang,X.P, Derek Muir, Eddy Y. Zeng. Characteristics and potential health risk of rural Tibetans' exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons during summer period. Environment International, 2018. 118: 70-77.
[14] Juping Yan, Wang,X.P.*, Ping Gong, Chuanfei Wang, Zhiyuan Cong. Review of brown carbon aerosols: Recent progress and perspectives. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 634: 1475-1485.
[15] Chuanfei Wang, Wang,X.P.*, Ping Gong, Tandong Yao. Long-term trends of atmospheric organochlorine pollutants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2018. 624: 241-249.
[16] Balram Pokhrel, Ping Gong, Wang,X.P.*, Chuanfei Wang, Shao Peng Gao. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the urban atmosphere of Nepal: Distribution, sources, seasonal trends, and cancer risk. Science of the Total Environment, 2018. 618: 1583-1590.
[17] Balram Pokhrel, Ping Gong, Wang,X.P.*, Mengke Chen, Chuanfei Wang, Shaopeng Gao. Distribution, sources, and air-soil exchange of OCPs, PCBs and PAHs in urban soils of Nepal. Chemosphere, 2018. 200: 532-541.
[18] Javed Nawab, Sardar Khan, Wang,X.P.*. Ecological and health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements in the major rivers of Pakistan: General population vs. Fishermen. Chemosphere, 2018. 202: 154-164.
[19] Jingyi Zhang, Wang,X.P.*, Ping Gong, Chuanfei Wang, Dianchao Sun. Seasonal variation and source analysis of persistent organic pollutants in the atmosphere over the western Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018. 25(24): 24052-24063.
[20] Javed Nawab, Saad Farooqi, Wang,X.P.*, Sardar Khan, Asad Khan. Levels, dietary intake, and health risk of potentially toxic metals in vegetables, fruits, and cereal crops in Pakistan. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018. 25(6): 5558-5571.
[21] Javed Nawab, Junaid Ghani, Sardar Khan, Wang,X.P.*. Minimizing the risk to human health due to the ingestion of arsenic and toxic metals in vegetables by the application of biochar, farmyard manure and peat moss. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018. 214: 172-183.
[22] 陈梦珂, 王传飞, 龚平, 任娇, 王小萍*.水体微量有机物被动监测技术研究进展[J]. 环境化学, 2018, 37(8): 1831-1841
Mengke Chen, Chuanfei Wang, Ping Gong, Jiao Ren, WANG X P*. Passive sampling techniques for the monitoring of trace organic pollutants in water[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2018, 37(8): 1831-1841.
[23] Ping Gong, Wang,X.P.*, Xiande Liu, Frank Wania. Field Calibration of XAD-Based Passive Air Sampler on the Tibetan Plateau: Wind Influence and Configuration Improvement. Environmental Science & Technology, 2017. 51(10): 5642-5649.
[24] Jiao Ren, Wang,X.P.*, Chuanfei Wang, Ping Gong, Taodong Yao. Atmospheric processes of organic pollutants over a remote lake on the central Tibetan Plateau: implications for regional cycling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2017. 17(2): 1401-1415.
[25] Jiao Ren, Wang,X.P.*, Chuanfei Wang, Ping Gong, Xirou Wang, Taodong Yao. Biomagnification of persistent organic pollutants along a high-altitude aquatic food chain in the Tibetan Plateau: Processes and mechanisms. Environmental Pollution, 2017. 220(Pt A): 636-643.
[26] Chuanfei Wang, Wang,X.P.*, Jiao Ren, Ping Gong, Tandong Yao. Using a passive air sampler to monitor air-soil exchange of organochlorine pesticides in the pasture of the central Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2017. 580: 958-965.
[27] Hai Lin, Wang,X.P.*, Ping Gong, Jiao Ren, Chuanfei Wang, Xiaohua Yuan, Lei Wang, Tandong Yao. The influence of climate change on the accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, black carbon and mercury in a shrinking remote lake of the southern Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2017. 601-602: 1814-1823.
[28] Yonggang Xue, Wang,X.P.*, Ping Gong, Tandong Yao. Distribution and vertical migration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in forest soil pits of southeastern Tibet. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2017. 12: 1-13.
[29] Javed Nawab, Sardar Khan, Wang,X.P.*, Abdur Rahman, Haider Ali, Zahir Qamar, Zar Ali Khan, Zia ur Rehman, Hazir Rahman, Juma Muhammad, Asad Khan, Izaz Ali Shah. Spatial distribution of toxic metals in drinking water sources and their associated health risk in district buner, Northern Pakistan. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 2017. 24(3): 615-626.
[30] Chuanfei Wang, Wang,X.P.*, Ren Jiao, Ping Gong, Tandong Yao. Using a passive air sampler to monitor air-soil exchange of organochlorine pesticides in the pasture of the central Tibetan Plateau. Sci Total Environ, 2016.
[31] 王小萍*, 孙殿超, 姚檀栋. 2016. 气候变化与持久性有机污染物全球循环. 中国科学: 地球科学, 46: 1301-1316
[32] Wang,X.P.*, Dianchao Sun, Tandong Yao. Climate change and global cycling of persistent organic pollutants: A critical review. Science China-Earth Sciences, 2016. 59(10): p. 1899-1911.
[33] Wang,X.P.*, Ping Gong, Chuanfei Wang, Jiao Ren, Tandong Yao. A review of current knowledge and future prospects regarding persistent organic pollutants over the Tibetan Plateau. Sci Total Environ, 2016. 573: p. 139-154.
[34] Wang,X.P.*, Jiao Ren, Ping Gong, Chuanfei Wang, Yonggang Xue, Tandong Yao, Rainer Lohmann. Spatial distribution of the persistent organic pollutants across the Tibetan Plateau and its linkage with the climate systems: a 5-year air monitoring study. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2016. 16(11): p. 6901-6911.
[35] Pokhrel, B., Ping Gong, Wang,X.P.*, Shaopeng Gao, Chuanfei Wang, Tandong Yao. Sources and environmental processes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and mercury along a southern slope of the Central Himalayas, Nepal. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2016. 23(14): p. 13843-52.
[36] Chuanfei Wang, Wang,X.P.*, Ping Gong, Tandong Yao. Residues, spatial distribution and risk assessment of DDTs and HCHs in agricultural soil and crops from the Tibetan Plateau. Chemosphere, 2016. 149, 358-365
[37] 王传飞, 龚平, 王小萍*,姚檀栋. 西藏农田土和农作物中多氯联苯的分布环境行为和健康风险评估[J]. 生态毒理学报, 2016, 11(2): 339- 346
Wang Chuanfei, Gong Ping, Wang,X.P.*, YAO Tandong. Distribution, environmental behavior, and health risks of polychlorinated biphenyls in the tibetan agricultural soil andcrops [J]. Asian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 2016, 11(2): 339- 346 (in Chinese)
[38] Ping Gong, Wang,X.P.*, Yonggang Xue, Jiujiang Sheng, Shaopeng Gao, Lide Tian, Tandong Yao, Influence of atmospheric circulation on the long-range transport oforganochlorine pesticides to the western Tibetan Plateau. Atmospheric Research, 2015. 166, 157-164
[39] Wang,X.P.*, Ping Gong, Jiujiang Sheng, Daniel R. Joswiak, Tandong Yao.Long-range atmospheric transport of particulate Polycyclic AromaticHydrocarbons and the incursion of aerosols to the southeast TibetanPlateau. Atmospheric Environment, 2015.115: 124-131
[40] Chuanfei Wang, Wang,X.P.*, Xiaohua Yuan, Jiao Ren, Ping Gong. Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in air, grassand yak butter from Namco in the central Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Pollution,2015. 201: 50-57
[41] Wang, X.P.*, Crispin Halsall*, Garry Codling, Zhiyong Xie, Baiqing Xu, Zhen Zhao, Yonggang Xue, Ralf Ebinghaus, Kevin C. Jones. Accumulation of Perfluoroalkyl Compounds in Tibetan Mountain Snow: Temporal Patterns from 1980 to 2010. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014. 48: 173?181
[42] Wang, X.P*, Yonggang Xue, Ping Gong, Tandong Yao. Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in Tibetan forest soil: profile distribution and processes. Environmental Science Pollution Research, 2014. 21:1897–1904
[43] Jawad Nasir, Wang, X.P.*, Baiqing Xu, Chuanfei Wang, Daniel R. Joswiak, Said Rehman, Arifa Lodhi, Shoaib Shafiq, and Rehmatullah Jilani. Selected Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Urban Atmosphere of Pakistan: Concentration, Spatial Variation and Sources. Environmental Science & Technology, 2014. 48, 2610?2618
[44] Ping Gong, Wang, X.P.*, Yong-gang Xue, Bai-qing Xu, Tan-dong Yao. Mercury distribution in the foliage and soil profiles of the Tibetan forest: Processes and implications for regional cycling. Environment Pollution, 2014. 188: 94-101
[45] Chuanfei Wang, Wang, X.P*, Ping Gong, Tandong Yao. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface soil across the Tibetan Plateau: Spatial distribution, source and air-soil exchange Environmental Pollution 2014.184: 138-144
[46] Jiao Ren, Wang, X.P. *, Yonggang Xue, Ping Gong, Daniel R. Joswiak, Baiqing Xu, Tandong Yao. Persistent organic pollutants in mountain air of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Seasonal variations and implications for regional cycling. Environmental Pollution, 2014.194: 210-216
[47] Ping Gong, Wang, X.P. *, Sheng-hai Li, Wu-sheng Yu, Jiu-le Li, Dambaru Ballab Kattel, Wei-cai Wang, Lochan Prasad Devkota, Tan-dong Yao, Daniel R. Joswiak. Atmospheric transport and accumulation of organochlorine compounds on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, Nepal. Environmental Pollution, 2014. 192: 44-51
[48] Sheng, J.J., Wang, X.P*., Gong, P., Joswiak, D.R., Tian, L.D., Yao, T.D., Jones, K.C. Monsoon-Driven Transport of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls to the Tibetan Plateau: Three Year Atmospheric Monitoring Study. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013. 47: 3199-3208
[49] 龚平, 王小萍*, 盛久江, 徐柏青. 运用相对组成探针技术研究青藏高原 POPs 大气传输与来源[J]. 环境科学研究, 2013. 26(4): 350- 356.
Gong Ping, Wang, X.P*, SHENG Jiujiang, et al. Sources and atmospheric transport of POPs in the Tibetan Plateau using relative composition probe[J]. Research of Environmental Sciences, 2013. 26(4): 350- 356. (in Chinese)
[50] 王传飞, 王小萍*, 龚平, 姚檀栋. 植被富集持久性有机污染物研究进展. 地理科学进展, 2013. 32(10): 1555-1566
Wang Chuanfei, Wang, X.P*, GONG Ping, YAO Tandong. Research progress in uptake of persistent organic pollutants by plants. Progress in geography, 2013. 32(10): 1555-1566. (in Chinese)
[51] 薛永刚, 龚平, 王小萍*, 姚檀栋. 持久性有机污染物在森林生态系统中的环境行为研究. 地理科学进展, 2013. 32(2): 278-287
XUE Yonggang, GONG Ping, Wang, X.P*, YAO Tandong. Environmental behaviors of the persistent organic pollutants in forest ecosystem. Progress in geography,2013. 32(2): 278-287. (in Chinese)
[52] 任娇, 王小萍*, 龚平, 盛久江, 姚檀栋. 持久性有机污染物气土界面交换研究进展. 地理科学进展, 2013. 32(2): 288-297
REN Jiao, Wang, X.P*, GONG Ping, SHENG Jiujiang, YAO Tandong. Research progress on exchange of persistent organic pollutantsat the air-soil interface. Progress in geography, 2013. 32(2): 288-297. (in Chinese)
[53] Wang,X.P*, Jiujiang Sheng, Ping Gong, Yonggang Xue, Tandong Yao, Kevin, C. Jones. Persistent organic pollutants in the Tibetan surface soil: Spatial distribution, air–soil exchange and implications for global cycling. Environmental Pollution, 2012. 170, 145-151
[54] Jiu-jiang Sheng, Wang,X.P*, Gong Ping., Tian Li-de., Tan-dong Yao. Heavy metals and arsenic of the Tibetan top soils: level, source, spatial distribution, temporal variation and risk assessment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2012.19, 3362-3370
[55] Ping Gong, Wang,X.P*, Tan-dong Yao. Ambient distribution of particulate- and gas-phase n-alkanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Environmental Earth Sciences, 2011. 64:1703–1711
[56] Wang,X.P*, Ping Gong, Tan-dong Yao, Kevin, C. Jones. Passive air sampling of organochlorine pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers across the Tibetan Plateau.Environmental Science and Technology, 2010. 44, 2988–2993
[57] Wang,X.P*, Handong Yang, Ping Gong, Xin Zhao, Guangjian Wu, Simon Turner, Tandong Yao. One century sedimentary records of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mercury and trace elements in the Qinghai Lake, Tibetan Plateau.Environmental Pollution, 2010. 158, 3065-3070
[58] Wang,X.P*, Ping Gong, Qiang-gong Zhang, Tan-dong Yao. Impact of climate fluctuations on deposition of DDT and hexachlorocyclohexane in mountain glaciers: Evidence from ice core records.Environmental Pollution, 2010. 158, 375–380
[59] Ping Gong, Wang,X.P*, Jiu-jiang Sheng, Tan-dong Yao.Variations of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls in atmosphere of the Tibetan Plateau: Role of the monsoon system.Atmospheric Environment, 2010. 44, 2518-2523
[60] Wang,X.P*, Bai-qing Xu, Shi-chang Kang, Zhi-yuan Cong, Tan-dong Yao. The historical residue trend of DDT, hexachlorocyclohexanes and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in ice core from Mt. Qomolangma (Everest), central Himalayas. Atmospheric Environment, 2008. 42, 6699–6709
[61] Wang,X.P*, Tan-dong Yao, Peng-ling Wang, Wei-Yang, Li-de Tian. The recent deposition of persistent organic pollutants and mercury to the Dasuopu glacier, Mt. Xixiabangma, central Himalayas.Science of the Total Environment, 2008. 394 (1):134-143
[62] Chao-liu Li, Shi-chang Kang, Wang,X.P, F. Ajmone-Marsan, Qiang-gong Zhang. Heavy metals and rare earth elements (REEs) in soil from the Nam Co Basin, Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Geology, 2008. 53:1433–1440
[63] 王小萍*,龚平,姚檀栋.偏远地区大气中持久性有机污染物研究进展. 环境科学, 2008. 29(2): 273-282 Wang,X.P*, GONG Ping, YAO Tan-dong. Progress about the Research of Atmospheric Persistent Organic Pollutants in Remote Areas. Environmental science,2008. 29(2): 273-282. (in Chinese)
[64] Wang,X.P*, Tan-dong Yao, Zhi-yuan Cong, Xing-liang Yan, Shi-chang Kang, Yong Zhang. Distribution of persistent organic pollutants in soil and grasses around Mt. Qomolangma, China. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2007. 52,153-162
[65] Wang,X.P*, Tan-dong Yao, Zhi-yuan Cong, Xing-liang Yan, Shi-chang Kang, Yong Zhang.Concentration level and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil and grass around Mt. Qomolangma, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2007. 52, 1405-1413
[66] Wang,X.P*, Tan-dong Yao, Zhi-yuan Cong, Xing-liang Yan, Shi-chang Kang, Yong Zhang. Gradient distribution of persistent organic contaminants along northern slope of central-Himalayas, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2006. 372,193–202
[67] 王小萍*,姚檀栋,丛志远,燕新梁,康世昌,张勇.珠穆朗玛峰地区土壤和植被中多环芳烃的含量及海拔梯度分布[J]. 科学通报. 2006. 52(21)
[68] Wang,X.P*, Xiao-quan Shan, Shu-zhen Zhang and Bei Wen. Sorption of 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol in Model Humic Acid?Clay Systems. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 2005. 53, 3548–3555
[69] Wang,X.P*, Xiao-quan Shan, Shu-zhen Zhang, Bei Wen. A model for evaluation of the phytoavailability of trace elements to vegetables under the field conditions. Chemosphere, 2004. 55, 811-822
[70] Wang,X.P*, Xiao-quan Shan, Shu-zhen Zhang, Bei Wen. Distribution of rare earth elements among chloroplast components of hyperaccumulator Dicranopteris dichotoma. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2003. 376, 913-917
[71] Wang,X.P*, Jing-hao Pan, Shao-min Shuang, Yong Zhang. Study on the Supramolecular System of TAPP and Cyclodextrins by Spectroscopy. Supramolecular Chemistry, 2003. 15, 245-250
[72] Wang,X.P*, Jing-hao Pan, Mai-xia Ma, Shao-min Shuang, Yong Zhang. Study on Supramolecular Systems of Cyclodextrins and Magnolol, Honokiol by Thin Layer Chromatography. Supramolecular Chemistry, 2002. 14, 323-328
[73] Wang,X.P*, Jing-hao Pan, Shao-min Shuang, Yong Zhang. Determination of the Inclusion Constants for the Inclusion Complexes between meso-Tetrakis (4-sulfonatophenyl) Porphyrin and Cyclodextrins by Three Methods. Supramolecular Chemistry, 2002. 14, 419-426
[74] Wang,X.P*, Jing-hao Pan, Xiao-dong Yang, Chuan-dong Niu, Yong Zhang, Shao-min Shuang. Porphyrin binding to DNA investigated by cyclodextrin supramolecular system. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2002. 374, 445-450
[75] Wang,X.P*, Jing-Hao Pan, Wen-Hua Li and Yong Zhang. Study on the supramolecular system of TAPP with cyclodextrins by polarography. Talanta, 2001. 54, 805-810
[76] Wang, X.P*, Jing-hao Pan, Shao-min Shuang. Thin Layer Chromatographic Study on Inclusion Complex formation between Cyclodextrins and Some Flavonoids. Analytical letters, 2001. 34, 239-245
[77] Wang, X.P*, Jing-hao Pan and Shao-min Shuang. Study on the supramolecular system of meso-tetrakis (4-sulfonatophenyl) porphyrin and cyclodextrins by spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2001. 57, 2755-2762