张蔚珍 青年研究员
张蔚珍,博士,兰州大学泛第三极环境中心青年研究员,主要从事湖泊微型生物群落及其介导碳氮元素循环研究,结合微生物群落结构、胞外酶化学计量学、碳代谢和生态系统功能,揭示了沉积物重金属和磷负荷调控下的藻类和微生物多样性驱动的富营养化湖泊生态系统功能;发现了干旱区湖泊水深是影响微生物群落-生态系统功能关联强度的重要媒介,进而预测了气候变暖引发的湖泊水位下降将削弱湖泊生态系统功能。近年来在Water Research, Environmental pollution及Chemosphere等环境领域权威期刊发表SCI论文9篇。
l 2010年9月–2014年6月,武汉轻工大学生物与制药工程学院,获理学学士学位;
l 2014年9月–2019年12月,中国科学院大学中国科学院水生生物研究所,获理学博士学位;
l 2020年1月–2021年12月,中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,博士后;
l 2022年1月至今,兰州大学泛第三极环境中心,青年研究员;
l 微生物介导三极湖泊碳循环
l 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大研究计划,91951110,湖泊生态系统中蓝细菌驱动S循环的机制机理及环境意义研究,2020-01-01至2022-12-31,81万元,在研,参与
[1] Zhang W., Shen J., and Wang J.*, 2021. Linking pollution to biodiversity and ecosystem multifunctionality across benthic-pelagic habitats of a large eutrophic lake: a whole-ecosystem perspective. Environmental Pollution, 285, 117501. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2021.117501. (中科院二区).
[2]Geng M.†, Zhang W.†, Hu T., Wang R., Cheng X.*, Wang J*. Eutrophication causes microbial community homogenization via modulating generalist species. Water Research, 2022, 210, 118003. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.118003. (中科院一区).
[3] Zhang W.†, Chen R.†, Meng F., Yuan H., Geng M., Cheng L., Yin H., Xue B., and Wang J.*, 2021. Ecosystem functioning is linked to microbial evenness and community composition along depth gradient in a semiarid lake. Ecological indicators, 132, 108314. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108314. (中科院二区).
[4] Zhang W., Shen H.*, Zhang J., Yu J., Xie P., Chen J.*, 2020. Physiological differences between free-floating and periphytic filamentous algae,and specific submerged macrophytes induce proliferation of filamentous algae: A novel implication for lake restoration. Chemosphere, 239: 124702. DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.124702. (中科院二区).
[5] Zhang W., Wang H., Zhang J., Chen J., Shen H.* and Xie P.*, 2019. Habitat species pools shape algal and bacterial communities and their correlations. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 2019, 11 (3): 275-286. DOI: 10.1111/1758-2229.12754. (中科院三区).
[6] Zhang W., Wang L., Chen L., Shen H.*, Chen J.*, 2019. Proliferation of filamentous green algae along with submerged macrophytes planting, and the role of microbe. Ecological Engineering, 139: 105570. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2019.07.040. (中科院二区).
[1] Li Y., Geng M., Yu J., Du Y., Xu M., Zhang W., Wang J., Su H., Wang R.*, Chen F.*. Eutrophication decrease compositional dissimilarity in freshwater plankton communities. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 821. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153434. (中科院一区).
[2] Wang H., Zhao D., Chen L., Giesy J., Zhang W., Yuan C., Ni L., Shen H.*, Xie P.*, 2020. Light, but not nutrients, drives seasonal congruence of taxonomic and functional diversity of phytoplankton in a eutrophic highland lake in China. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11 (179). DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00179. (中科院二区).
[3] Wang H., Zhang W., Xie P.*, Shen H.*, 2019. Exponential decay of between-month spatial dissimilarity congruence of phytoplankton communities in relation to phosphorus in a highland eutrophic lake. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191:1-12. DOI: 10.1007/s10661-019-7835-z. (中科院三区).
l 2010年9月–2014年6月,武汉轻工大学生物与制药工程学院,获理学学士学位;
l ²2014年9月–2019年12月,中国科学院大学中国科学院水生生物研究所,获理学博士学位;