余涛 青年研究员
余涛,博士,兰州大学泛第三极环境中心青年研究员。主要基于生物信息学及基因组学,结合宏基因组、宏转录组以及宏蛋白组等多组学技术方法解析冰川等地球极端环境微生物群落结构、功能及适应机制。近年来以第一作者(含共同)在《Nature Biotechnology》以及《Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics》等专业领域主流刊物发表SCI论文多篇。

● 2018年9月–2023年7月,中国科学院大学微生物研究所,获理学博士学位
● 2015年9月–2018年7月,中国科学院大学北京基因组研究所,获理学硕士学位
● 2011年9月-2015年7月,湖北民族大学生物科学与技术学院获理学学士学位

● 中国科学院微生物研究所,所长奖学金,2023年
● 中国科学院微生物研究所,郑儒永黄河奖学金,2023年
● 中国肠道大会(基础研究)奖学金,2023年

● 2023年11月–至今,兰州大学泛第三极环境中心,青年研究员

● 冰川新物种谱系及新蛋白功能挖掘
● 冰川天然产物挖掘与应用


● 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究:“环境变化对青藏高原特殊微生物多圈层迁移过程的影响与驱动机制”,2021-2024(参与)

[1]Liu, Yongqin#; Ji, Mukan#;Yu, Tao#; Julian Zaugg; Alexandre M Anesio; Zhang, Zhihao; Hu, Songnian; Philip Hugenholtz; Liu, Keshao; Liu, Pengfei; Chen, Yuying; Luo, Yingfeng; Yao Tandong. A genome and gene catalog of glacier microbiomes. Nature Biotechnology. 2022, 40: 1341-1348. (Cover story & Highlights)
[2]Yu, Tao#; Luo, Yingfeng#; Tan, Xinyu; Zhao, Dahe; Bi, Xiaochun; Li, Chenji; Zheng, Yanning; Xiang, Hua; Hu, Songnian Hu. Global marine cold seep metagenome reveals broad and diversity of taxonomy, metabolic function, and natural products. Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics. (Accepted, April 2023)
[3] Wang, Li#;Yu, Tao#; Zhu, Yaxin; Luo, Yingfeng; Dong, Fan; Lin, Xuemei; Zhao, Wenzhong; He, Zilong; Hu, Songnian; Dong, Zhiyang. Amplicon-based sequencing and co-occurence network analysis reveals notable differences of microbial community structure in healthy and dandruff scalps. BMC Genomics , 2022, 23: 312.
[4] Dong, Chaoran#; Chen, Jiemei#; Zheng, Jilin#; Liang, Yiming#;Yu, Tao#; Liu, Yupeng; Gao, Feng; Long, Jie; Chen, Hangyu; Zhu, Qianhui; He, Zilong; Hu, Songnian; He, Chuan; Lin, Jian; Tang, Yida; Zhu, Haibo. 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine signatures in circulating cell-free DNA as diagnostic and predictive biomarkers for coronary artery disease. Clinical Epigenetics. 2020, 12: 17.
[5] Li, Kexin; Zhu, Qianhui; Jiang, Fan; Li, Huixia; Liu, Jingying;Yu, Tao; Du, Yiyang; Yang, Li; He, Zilong; Hu, Songniam. Monitoring microbial communities in intensive care units over one year in China. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 811: 152353.
[6] Wu, Xiaonong; Yue, Rong; Wang, Yue;Yu, Tao; Hu, Songnian; Liu, Fuping; Zhang, Huitu. Semi-rational mutagenesis of an industrial Streptomyces fungicidicus strain for improved enduracidin productivity. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2020, 104: 3459-3471.