




          许茜   博士后


许茜,博士,兰州大学泛第三极环境中心博士后。主要开展多年冻土区碳循环研究。近年来发表高水平论文18篇,第一作者在《Water Research》和《地球科学进展》等冰冻圈和环境变化领域有影力的期刊发表论文6篇。作为负责人主持国家资助博士后研究人员计划C档项目、甘肃省科技计划博士后专项和甘肃省科普发展专项3项项目。



















Xu Q, Xiao C, Zhao L, Xing T, Wang L, Du Z, et al. Diversity of primary vegetation species of lake shore impacts largely carbon emissions in thermokarst lakes on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau[J]. Water Research, 272(15) (2025).

Xu Q, Du Z, Wang L, Zhao L, Chen D, Yan F, et al. Temperature sensitivity of methanogenesis and anaerobic methane oxidation in thermokarst lakes modulated by surrounding vegetation on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of The Total Environment. 907 (2024).

Xu Q, Du Z, Wang L, Xue K, Wei Z, Zhang G, et al. The role of Thermokarst Lake expansion in altering the microbial community and methane cycling in Beiluhe Basin on Tibetan plateau[J]. Microorganisms,10(8) (2022).

许茜,效存德,冯雅茹,杜志恒,王磊,等.微生物介导的热融湖碳循环关键过程研究进展[J].地球科学进展,38(05) (2023).


许茜,李奇,陈懂懂,贺福全,陈昕,赵新全,等.三江源土地利用变化特征及因素分析.生态环境学报, 26(11): 1836-1843 (2017).


Chen D, Li Q, Huo L, Xu Q, Chen X, He F, et al. Soil nutrients directly drive soil microbial biomass and carbon metabolism in the sanjiangyuan alpine grassland[J]. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23(3): 3548-3560 (2023).

Yan F, Du Z, Pu T, Xu Q, Wang L, Ma R, et al. Isotopic composition and emission characteristics of CO2 and CH4 in glacial lakes of the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Environmental Research Letters,18(9):094025(2023).

Wang L, Du Z, Wei Z, Xu Q, Feng Y, Lin,P, et al. High methane emissions from thermokarst lakes on the Tibetan Plateau are largely attributed to ebullition fluxes. Science of The Total Environment.801,149692 (2021).

Du Z, Cui H, Wang L, Yan F, Liu Y, Xu Q, et al. Characteristics of methane and carbon dioxide in ice caves at a high-mountain glacier of China[J]. Science of The Total Environment,946:174074 (2024).

Lin P, Du Z, Wang L, Liu J, Xu Q, Du J, et al., Hotspots of riverine greenhouse gas (CH4, CO2,N2O) emissions from Qinghai Lake Basin on the northeast Tibetan Plateau Science of the Total Environment 857,159373 (2023).

Wang L, Du Z, Wei Z, We O, Damien T, Xu Q, et al. Large methane emission during ice-melt in spring from thermokarst lakes and ponds in the interior Tibetan Plateau[J]. Catena,232:107454 (2023).

Wei Z, Du Z, Wang L, Lin J, Feng Y, Xu Q, et al. Sentinel‐Based Inventory of Thermokarst Lakes and Ponds Across Permafrost Landscapes on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau[J]. Earth and Space Science,8 (2021).

Wei Z, Du Z, Wang L, Zhong W, Lin J, Xu Q, et al. Sedimentary organic carbon storage of thermokarst lakes and ponds across Tibetan permafrost region[J]. Science of The Total Environment, 831:154761 (2022).

效存德,杨佼,张通,苏勃,王磊,许茜,等. 冰冻圈变化的可预测性,不可逆性和深度不确定性[J]. 气候变化研究进展,18(1):11 (2022).

贺福全,李奇,陈懂懂,赵新全,罗彩云,许茜, 等. 三江源农牧交错区一个种植周期的垂穗披碱草人工草地 CO2 通量变化特征[J].生态环境学报,28(5),918-929 (2019).

罗彩云,徐世晓,赵亮,邹小艳,贺福全,许茜,等. 5 种多年生牧草在青海环湖地区的最佳刈割时期[J]. 草原与草坪,38(6),63-67 (2018).

罗彩云,赵亮,赵新全,徐世晓,贺福全,许茜,等. 青海湖地区燕麦与箭筈豌豆最佳混播比例的筛选[J].草原与草坪,(1),95-99 (2019).